So, the holidays has started(and ending soon) we finished primary school (and we're going to secondary soon) and you all think that this time I would be talking about my holidays and where I went, rite? Hehe, you are half correct. I didn't go anywhere for the holidays. I just spent my time with my mangas (currently reading, shugo chara, hana to akuma and vampire knight) I didn't really listen to music that much until I had internet. I downloaded my songs and played them EVERYDAY! You heard me, EVERYDAY! Most of them are anime songs (so obvious) and right now, I could never release my MP3 player! So yeah, I did went somewhere for the holiday, MUSIC LAND!

I have been liking vampires ever since reading the Twilight Saga. Gah! I am extremely in love. But then, Farah thinks werewolves are cooler. And we were actually fighting about it. LOL! Can't believe it. But of course vampires or werewolves, they probably are the same. But still I like vampires more than werewolves(no offend farah, but i agree that werewolves are cool). Jacob Black is cool, imprinting on Renesmee. LOL! Can't believe it... This post was added coz I had nothing else in my mind, so enjoy!