Hi,my name is Deziree Wong.I am very new here and I seldom come to this website.Plus,I just knew that there was a blogging website.So,I decided to try it out.Well,i got 90 for maths.Hee Hee Hee!That was the best record ever.Anyway,some people are not like me.They sometimes like to boast around or even think I am cuckoo.But,my 2 BFF's are the ones who only understands me.Well,my favourite things to do in the internet are watching animes through youtube and crunchyroll.Besides,I am a fan-fan in animes like Sugar Sugar Rune(the pic down there) & Gakuen Alice or also known as Alice Academy!Well,that is all I can say about myself.Next time,I will talk about my full biodata.Bye Bye!!!!

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